Monday, November 13, 2006


"The rhythm of the weekend, with its birth, its planned gaieties, and its announced end, followed the rhythm of life and was a substitute for it."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ah the weekend. A time to relax, a time to slow down and take stock of life, love and yourself. At least that's what it should be. More often than not I find myself filling up the weekend with activities, jobs, rushing around and busyness.

This past weekend I
  • Worked on a coding project
  • Got a good chunk of the boxes and mess in the spare bedroom cleaned up
  • Shredded several bags worth of old documents
  • Went to church
  • Put together bathroom shelves
  • Did laundry
  • Collapsed several packing and delivery boxes for recycling
What I didn't do was slow down much. I sat down for tea with Tara and Laura (my SIL) and I watched half a football game and this weeks episode of the O.C. That's it.


I don't know. I think I need to make a more concerted effort to relax, rid my mind of the clutter of everyday and focus on what is important. I don't know how I'll do that, but I'm going to try.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Yo Richard,

I met a guy at a conference from South Carolina called F. Scott Fitzgerald. I think I insulted him by saying "NO! Really!" five or six times every time I saw him.

You're writing is very thought provoking.
