1. We've moved Lego from Fantasy Lane Farm to Hopewell Creek Stables. Fantasy Lane was great, but it was a bit of a hike for us to get there and they had a habit of changing the feed without telling us. That said - it was good place for Lego and a great place for photos. Hopefully I can keep in contact with those from Fantasy Lane - a couple of them expressed interest in a photo shoot. Here is a flickr set of my photos from Fantasy Lane.
Hopewell Creek is right beside Maryhill golf course (for those of you who know the area) and it's a 5 minute detour from the route Tara makes to and from school. As long as they take good care of Lego, I'm sure we'll be more than happy to have him there (plus I get to go golfing more often now :) )

3. If any of you out there want to feel manly - go find yourself a tree and cut down. I did this past week and it felt good.
4. I'm wearing contacts now, at least when I'm not at work. Taking photos is a lot easier when I can mash the camera right up to my face. I also enjoy wearing sun glasses. This is a poor attempt at a contact self-portrait
I think that's about it